Zane Martin


A Born Athlete


Alex and I would like to acknowledge a very special person who we feel is well-deserving of the Member Spotlight, Zane Martin! If you know Zane you know exactly why he came to mind to us and all our coaches as a Member Spotlight! Zane you have seriously blown us away with your dedication, increased strength, pure deep motivation and just your natural ability to thrive amongst our community! It has been so inspiring and awesome watching you crush lifts, crush workouts and just recently string 5 BMU together! We’d put our money on you Zane if you were to ever consider competing. You were born an athlete and it surely shows! We love you Zane and have truly enjoyed watching you progress and reach so many goals with us!

Zane Martin’s Personal Testimony…

I am so honored! Chateau, the members, and every single coach have meant so much to me over the last 5 months.

My first experience with Crossfit was about 8 years ago, I loved the challenge immediately and having played multiple sports for most of my life, it was a source of competition that I had not taken part in for far too long. I felt great, saw results, and rarely missed a day for 3 months until I shattered my collarbone. I continued working out after I recovered, but never got back into anything organized or planned.

My wife and I moved here 2 years ago for a job opportunity I couldn't pass up. When we decided to move, our son Wyatt was 7 months old. The day after we arrived, we found out that our youngest son, Maverick, was on the way (16 months apart) My wife had to stay home and take care of two babies, money was tight, and time was tighter. When she was presented with a good opportunity to  go back to work in June, my first question was "Can I join a legit gym?" My wife works afternoons/evenings, so while money was suddenly not     an issue anymore, I had even less free time.

Enter Crossfit Chateau!

I walked in the door at 4:55am mid-July 50lbs overweight, tired, and in the worst shape of my life. I have always been athletically inclined, HYPER COMPETITIVE, and thrived in a team atmosphere, but felt far from anything that resembled that guy. I can’t remember the first workout specifically, but I remember showering after the workout with my lungs burning and my legs feeling like jello and it lit the fire right back up.

I love the coaching, the competition, and the challenge that is ready for us every day, but the community has been the most impactful piece for me. It makes it so much easier to commit to a diet plan and get up at 4:10am on the days that I am really struggling because I know I just have to get myself to the parking lot. Once someone sees me, I won't be able to bail out.

The morning crew has been so great!! I am so thankful for the encouragement from Johnny, George, and Jennie. I also appreciate that Johnny comes ready with jokes at 5am. I am 40 lbs down from when I started, my goals have all been reached, and new goals have been made. I am thankful for Chateau, I love that everyone here, members and coaches, will support and push you at your

own pace, to reach your own goals. My goal is to be the best version of me and to be an example for my two boys that if you want to achieve things that few people achieve, you have to be willing to do things that few people will do. I am thankful to every single person at Chateau, for the community, the push, and the encouragement. You guys don’t just improve yourself every day, you help others get better too.

Love you all,
